Casa de Cinema News
The shoot of SAL DE PRATA / SILVER SALT begins
(29/Jul/2004)Today, July 29th, director Carlos Gerbase starts shooting his new feature film. Written by Gerbase, the film is produced by Casa de Cinema de Porto Alegre in a co-production with Columbia Pictures, who will also distribute the film. Silver Salt will be filmed in six weeks and its release is planned for 2005.
The cast of SAL DE PRATA/SILVER SALT includes Maria Fernanda Cândido, Camila Pitanga, Marcos Breda and Bruno Garcia, as well as Júlio Andrade, Janaína Kramer and Nelson Diniz. There are 69 people in the crew.
The screenplay - initially called "Screenplays found in a computer" - was selected to participate at the Sundance Institute Workshop, held in Nogueira (Rio de Janeiro), in 2002. Between 2000 and 2004, the script went through fourteen treatments before arriving at its final version.
Sal de Prata/Silver Salt is Carlos Gerbase’s fourth feature, after INVERNO/WINTER (1983), VERDES ANOS/GREEN YEARS (1984) and TOLERÂNCIA/TOLERANCE (2000) and Casa de Cinema de Porto Alegre’s fifth: TOLERÂNCIA (2000, Carlos Gerbase), HOUVE UMA VEZ DOIS VERÕES/TWO SUMMERS (2002), O HOMEM QUE COPIAVA/THE MAN WHO COPIED (2003) and MEU TIO MATOU UM CARA/MY UNCLE KILLED A GUY (2004), the three latter by Jorge Furtado.
In spite of having the old “celluloid” as support on most of its scenes, SILVER SALT also makes abundant use of electronic images. In the plot, which backdrop is the world of cinema, the filmmakers choose the technology according to the budget they have available, which generates a healthy mix in the images of Gerbase’s feature. Gerbase warns:
"This meta-linguistic debate is present, but the characters’ emotions are always far more important than any of that”. The photography director of SILVER SALT, Jacob Soletrinick, had the challenge of mixing images captured on 35 mm and on DV (Digital Video), while seeking to maintain a very high technical quality and to reflect the essential differences between the two technologies, which still have a good few years to live side by side.This production was made possible through grants won in film project competitions promoted by federal government bodies – ANCINE and BNDES, both in 2003 – and the support of the companies Brasil Telecom, Dana Albarus, Santander Banespa, Banrisul, Banrisul Corretora and Grupo Habitasul.
Follow the daily life on the set by accessing the film’s website on Terra, on