FELICIDADE É... ESTRADA (Happiness is... Road)

(35 mm, 17 min, color, 1995)
(episode of the feature film HAPPINESS IS...)

Two couples, which are friends, experiencing a rare moment of happiness, take the road towards the mountains to spend what looks like the ideal weekend. A truck driver, having a very bad day, has to drive to a distant town to make a delivery, in his old truck, which has no breaks, and then rush back home to an insufferable domestic arrangement. In the near future, these two paths will end up crossing. But who believes in destiny?

 Pedro Cardoso, Débora Bloch
Photo by Alex Sernambi: Pedro Cardoso, Débora Bloch

Director: Jorge Furtado

Executive Producer: Nora Goulart and Luciana Tomasi
Written by: Jorge Furtado
Cinematographer: Alex Sernambi
Art Director: Fiapo Barth
Music by: Leo Henkin
Production Coordinator: Leandro Klee
Editor: Giba Assis Brasil

A Casa de Cinema PoA Production

Main Cast:
Pedro Cardoso (Luis)
Débora Bloch (Maria)
Lila Vieira (Sandra)
Fabiano Post (Eduardo)
Zé Adão Barbosa (Mutuca)
Zé Victor Castiel (Gaúcho)


Prizes (awarded to the feature film HAPPINESS IS...)

  • 23rd Gramado Film Festival, 1995:
    Best Film (Popular Jury), Best Brazilian Film
  • 3rd Cuiabá Film Festival, 1995:
    Best Film (Popular Jury)
  • 28th Brasilia Film Festival, 1995:
    Best Film (Popular Jury), Best Actress (Denise Fraga, in the episode DREAM)


"With four ideas in their heads, a camera in their hands and a low budget, four filmmakers finally realize the dream of all Brazilian filmmakers: to make a feature film (...) The best episode is, by far, Road, written and directed by Jorge Furtado. For the big screen, Furtado recreated the charm and frivolity of two young middle-class Brazilian couples planning their weekend in the country. In the meantime, on collision route with them, an ugly, dirty, mean trucker, transporting junk and swearing. In the brief crossing of such different fates, Furtado conditions happiness to luck. And he makes a beautiful short.
(Veja Magazine)
