O DIA EM QUE DORIVAL ENCAROU A GUARDA (The Day Dorival faced the guard)

(35 mm, 14 min, cor, 1986)

In a military prison, on a sweltering night, the black prisoner Dorival has one wish only: to take a shower. In order to do that, he will have to face a frightened young soldier, a corporal obsessed with being a hero, a sergeant who misses his girlfriend, a despotic lieutenant - and turn a quiet night at the barracks into hell.

Photo by Christian Lesage: João Acaiabe
Photo by Christian Lesage: João Acaiabe

Director: Jorge Furtado and José Pedro Goulart

Written by: Giba Assis Brasil, José Pedro Goulart, Jorge Furtado and Ana Luiza Azevedo
Cinematographer: Christian Lesage
Art Director: Fiapo Barth
Music by: Augusto Licks
Production Coordinator: Gisele Hiltl and Henrique de Freitas Lima
Editor: Giba Assis Brasil
Assistant Director: Ana Luiza Azevedo

A Casa de Cinema PoA Production

Main Cast:

João Acaiabe (Dorival)
Pedro Santos (Private)
Zé Adão Barbosa (Corporal)
Sirmar Antunes (Sargent)
Lui Strassburger (Liutenant)



  • 14th Gramado Film Festival, 1986:
    Best Short Film (Official Jury, Popular Jury and Critic's Prize), Best Actor (João Acaiabe) and 5 regional prizes.
  • 21st Iberoamerican Film Festival, Huelva, Spain, 1986:
    Best Fiction Short Film.
  • 8th Latinoamerican Film Festival, Havana, Cuba, 1986:
    Best Fiction Short Film.


"Transgression is the word that applies to THE DAY DORIVAL FACED THE GUARD..., inspired in a story written by Tabajara Ruas: the black man Dorival (outstanding acting by João Acaiabe), in prison, decides to face his jailers and conquer the privilege of taking a shower at any price. Humor and violence in the right doses, and the result are 14 intense minutes of sure direction and brilliance."
(Caio Fernando Abreu, O ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO, 08/08/86)

"In THE DAY DORIVAL FACED THE GUARD, although the cinematography does not go into the sphere of the phantastic, one feels (...) the well defined tempo and, mainly, a certain refinement in the mise en cadre that produces powerful images. (...) It also possesses a realistic fictional universe, in spite of the intelligent play with the textual quotes, including King Kong, the western and 'Casablanca'."
(Fernão Ramos, FOLHA DE SÃO PAULO, 15/08/86)
