COISA NA RODA (Things to share)

(Super-8 mm, 105 min, color, 1982)

Four students live in an urban commune, where, in principle, everything may be split, shared: everyone's pocket money, personal possessions, relationships, political commitments. But things begin to change with the arrival of a fifth person in the house, an older, disillusioned guy who puts to test their ability to live according to their ideas.

Foto por Giba Assis Brasil: Carlos Grübber, Pedro Santos, Rudi Lagemann e Nilo Cruz
Photo by Giba Assis Brasil: Carlos Grübber, Pedro Santos, Rudi Lagemann e Nilo Cruz

Director: Werner Schünemann

Written by: Werner Schünemann
Cinematographer: Giba Assis Brasil
Production Coordinator: Rudi Lagemann
Editors: Werner Schünemann and Giba Assis Brasil
Assistant Director: Giba Assis Brasil
Distribution: Casa de Cinema PoA

Main Cast:
Rudi Lagemann (Guilherme)
Nilo Cruz (André)
Carlos Grübber (Lico)
Pedro Santos (Ricardo)
Marta Biavaschi (Sandra)
Sérgio Horst (Alfredo)
Beatriz Motta (Marta)



  • 6th Gramado Super-8 Film Festival, 1982:
    Best Film


"The humor in it is intelligent, but the best of it really is that it is almost a documentary, reconstituted from a daily life we know very well. The actors do not act, they simply reproduce in front of the camera things they do in their daily lives. And that is what makes it a fluid, light, communicative and instigating film."
(Goida, ZERO HORA, Porto Alegre, maio/82)
