Casa de Cinema - The Members

(left to right)

Giba Assis Brasil, writer and editor.

Nora Goulart, producer.

Ana Luiza Azevedo, writer and director.

Jorge Furtado, writer and director.



Ana Luiza Azevedo

Director and writer. She directed the feature film , ANTES QUE O MUNDO ACABE/BEFORE THE WORLD ENDS and the shorts DONA CRISTINA PERDEU A MEMÓRIA/DONA CRISTINA LOST HER MEMORY (2002), TRÊS MINUTOS/THREE MINUTES (1999) and BARBOSA (1988) and the medium-length documentary VENTRE LIVRE/LIBERATION (1994). She directed television programs for the electoral campaigns of the Partido dos Trabalhadores from 1992 to 2000. She directed several specials for television, including DIA DE VISITA (2001) for Globo TV and O BOCHECHA (2002) for RBS TV. She has been working in films since 1984, working as assistant director on several films, including the shorts ILHA DAS FLORES/ISLAND OF FLOWERS (1989), the miniseries LUNA CALIENTE (2000) and the features TOLERÂNCIA/TOLERANCE (2000), O HOMEM QUE COPIAVA/THE MAN WHO COPIED (2003), BENS CONFISCADOS (2004) and MEU TIO MATOU UM CARA/MY UNCLE KILLED A GUY (2005).

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Giba Assis Brasil

Writer and editor. Lecturer in Film at the Communications Program at UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul) since 1994 and at the Audiovisual Production course at Unisinos (University of the Rio dos Sinos Valley) since 2003. Director of the feature VERDES ANOS/GREEN YEARS (1984), and the super-8 feature DEU PRA TI ANOS 70 (1981) and the short INTERLÚDIO/INTERLUDE (1983). Scriptwriter of several shorts, the features ME BEIJA/KISS ME (1984), O MENTIROSO/THE LIAR (1988) and SUPER COLOSSO (1995), the miniseries AGOSTO (1993) and LUNA CALIENTE (1998). Editor of the features TOLERÂNCIA/TOLERANCE (2000), HOUVE UMA VEZ DOIS VERÕES/TWO SUMMERS (2002), O HOMEM QUE COPIAVA/THE MAN WHO COPIED (2003), MEU TIO MATOU UM CARA/MY UNCLE KILLED A GUY (2005), SAL DE PRATA/SILVER SALT (2005), 3 EFES/3 F´s (2007) and over 30 shorts, including ILHA DAS FLORES/ISLAND OF FLOWERS (1989), ESTA NÃO É A SUA VIDA/THIS IS NOT YOUR LIFE (1991), DEUS EX-MACHINA (1995) and DONA CRISTINA PERDEU A MEMÓRIA/D.CRISTINA LOST HER MEMORY (2002). He is currently editing the feature ANTES QUE O MUNDO ACABE/BEFORE THE WORLD ENDS.

• CV (portuguese)


Jorge Furtado

Director and writer of the features HOUVE UMA VEZ DOIS VERÕES / TWO SUMMERS (2002), O HOMEM QUE COPIAVA / THE MAN WHO COPIED (2003), MEU TIO MATOU UM CARA / MY UNCLE KILLED A GUY (2005) and SANEAMENTO BÁSICO - O FILME/BASIC SANITATION-THE MOVIE (2007), as well as shorts that won awards in Brazil and abroad, such as O DIA EM QUE DORIVAL ENCAROU A GUARDA/THE DAY DORIVAL FACED THE GUARD (1986), BARBOSA (1988), ILHA DAS FLORES/ISLAND OF FLOWERS (1989), ESTA NÃO É A SUA VIDA/THIS IS NOT YOUR LIFE (1991), ANGELO ANDA SUMIDO/ANGELO HAS VANISHED (1997) and O SANDUÍCHE/SANDWICH (2000). Scriptwriter and director of the episode ESTRADA/ROAD in the feature FELICIDADE É.../HAPPINESS IS… (1995). For Globo TV, he directed the series CENA ABERTA (2003), the miniseries LUNA CALIENTE (1998) and wrote dozens of screenplays: AGOSTO (1993), MEMORIAL DE MARIA MOURA (1994), A INVENÇÃO DO BRASIL (2000), etc., besides the series COMÉDIAS DA VIDA PRIVADA, in which he also directed the episode ANCHIETANOS (1997).

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Nora Goulart

Executive Producer of the features TOLERÂNCIA/TOLERANCE (2000), HOUVE UMA VEZ DOIS VERÕES/TWO SUMMERS (2002), O HOMEM QUE COPIAVA/THE MAN WHO COPIED (2003), MEU TIO MATOU UM CARA/MY UNCLE KILLED A GUY (2005) and SANEAMENTO BÁSICO -O FILME/BASIC SANITATION – THE MOVIE (2007), shorts such as BARBOSA (1988), ILHA DAS FLORES/ISLAND OF FLOWERS (1989), A MATADEIRA/KILLER (1994), UM HOMEM SÉRIO (1996), O SANDUÍCHE/THE SANDWICH (2000), and the episode ESTRADA/ROAD in the feature FELICIDADE É.../HAPPINESS IS… (1995). She was Production Coordinator at RBS Vídeo (from 1989 to 1991) and at TVC Cinema e Televisão, São Paulo (1991). For Globo TV, she produced segments of the programs VOCÊ DECIDE (1991), DORIS PARA MAIORES (1991-92), the special O ALIENISTA (1993), the miniseries LUNA CALIENTE (1998) and episodes of the series BRAVA GENTE (2000 and 2001), as well as the series CENA ABERTA (2003). Executive Producer of the TV programs of PT’s electoral campaigns from 1992 to 2000. She is currently preparing the production of the project BELEZA.

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