VEJA BEM (Look closely)

(16 mm, 9 min, color, 1994)

LOOK CLOSELY is a film and it is also an object, a zoetrope, a kind of predecessor of films. In the first part of the film (and on the inside of the object), the focus of attentions is the muscle man, the images are repeated to exhaustion, and the text is by João Cabral de Mello Neto. In the second part of the film (and on the outside of the object) the focus of attention is a wonderful and ridiculous kaleidoscope of the city's bargains, the images are pure diversity, and the text is by Carlos Drummond de Andrade.

Photo by Alex Sernambi
Photo by Alex Sernambi

Director: Jorge Furtado

Executive Producer: Nora Goulart
Written by: Jorge Furtado
Cinematographer: Alex Sernambi
Art Director: Fiapo Barth
Music by: Leo Henkin
Production Coordinator: Moa Batsow
Editor: Giba Assis Brasil
Assistant Director: Dainara Toffoli

A Casa de Cinema PoA Production

Main Cast:
Carlos Cunha (inside narration)
Lisa Becker e Roberto Birindelli (outside narration)



"In its structure, the device configures the classic articulation of alienated work with fetishism, opposing the world of production to the world of merchandise-images. (...) Everything moves to the sound of factory machinery, whose cadence is imposed with a satirical intention: sound and image enumerate, juxtapose and, through repetition, end up creating the effect of a total system, outlining an anatomy of the social as a comedy of mechanization and automatism. (...) This way of introducing contradiction is reminds one of the effect created by the idea of freedom at the end of Island of Flowers. In that case and here the game is undone when something that has no place in the logic of the series is introduced. (...) If there is allegory in Furtado's device it is to evoke a world that advances 'technically' but is unable to unite the homo ludens with the homo faber."
(Ismail Xavier)
